Watch: Carly Rose Sonenclar Tackles Elton John & John Lennon On X Factor 12/12 [VIDEOS]


The X Factor USA aired another live performance show of the second season tonight December 12, 2012. Each Top 4 finalist performed two songs. If you missed any of tonight’s show, click here for a full recap and all performance videos!

This is how Carly Rose Sonenclar did in the semi-finals:

First song: ‘Your Song’ by Elton John
Judges’ comments:LA said this was a risky song choice but Carly Rose did things with the song that he’d never heard done before. He things she did great. Demi called it “predictable” yet she still said it was her favorite of Carly’s performances because it showcased the R&B side of her voice. Demi – predictable is you not having any artists left in the competition. Simon said it “was a beautiful version of a fantastic song”. He also liked that her intro video showed an emotional side of her. He said this was not her best performance and that she could do better. Britney said Carly Rose has “blossomed into a huge superstar already.”
To Vote for Carly Rose Sonenclar: 1-855-THE-XF-02 or 1-855-843-9302

Second song: Imagine by John Lennon
Judges’ comments: LA said Carly picked another difficult song and found yet another way to make the song her own. Demi thought it was fabulous and said the only predictable thing about that performance was that it was gonna be amazing. Simon thought the song ended up sounding “fussy” because too many different things went on during the performance, and it ended up not having a consistent vibe. Britney felt she was ready to go beyond this stage and compete with the biggest stars in the world.
To Vote for Carly Rose Sonenclar: 1-855-THE-XF-02 or 1-855-843-9302


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