Big Brother 9/5 Spoilers: Who Will Be Evicted?


Big Brother
14 airs a new episode tonight September 5, 2012 and we have some spoilers for you below to catch you up to speed on all that has gone on in the BB house since Sunday’s show.

WARNING: September 5, 2012 Big Brother SPOILERS:

I used to update on BB spoilers sometimes on an hourly basis, but quite frankly, not much has gone on in the house since Britney left. Not too much drama with these seven people. But, this is Big Brother, so, things might fire up at any second! And if anything big happens, we will update you immediately here on CelebMagnet.
You may all know that Dan won the POV and used it to take Jenn off of the block. If you want details on what lead to Dan winning POV, click here.

Joe was the replacement nominee by Ian. The entire house, including Jenn (at times), wants to vote Frank off. Yet, somehow, Frank is deluded into thinking he may get a 4-0 vote in his favor to stay. Frank is even planning on next evictions with various people despite the fact that he can’t even play in the next HOH even if he stays. Got to love that man’s confidence. Or delusions. I got to hand it to the rest of the houseguests for putting on stellar performances making Frank believe they will vote to keep him in the game. But unbeknownst to Frank, the Quack Pack is alive and quacking.

It also seems like everyone in the house has multiple final twos. There is the Ian/Dan final two. The Dan/Danielle final two. The Dan/Frank one and the Frank/Jenn one….it goes on and on. It’s hard to say who is actually true to their word. Dan said it best: His alliance lies only with himself. Danielle is sitting the prettiest it seems with almost everyone having genuine connections with her. I mean, I could never see Jenn, Dan or Shane nominating Danielle. Only Ian and Joe may just to break up the Shane and Danielle NoMance.
Frank has tried to stir up some trouble in the house by telling Danielle that Dan has asked for a final two with Frank and that Dan was really mad at Danielle during the funeral. Frank even told Danielle that he was the one who asked Dan to make peace with Danielle. Instead of turning on Dan, Danielle ran back to Dan and Shane and spilled all that Frank had told her.
The votes to eliminate Frank or Joe may come down at best to a 2-2 with Dan and Jenn voting to keep Frank and evict Joe. Dan would only vote that way to save face with Frank and Jenn, knowing that Ian would then cast the tie breaker vote to get Frank out. Ian is comfortable being the tie-breaker. He sees Frank’s eviction as the biggest win of the season. Ian even says his last HOH, he shot a doe (Ashley) and this time he hit a 12-point buck!But this is Big Brother and anything can happen, so stay tuned on CelebMagnet for the latest. For all we know, someone has a super power or a coup d’etat.

And, come to CelebMagnet Thursday at 8 PM EST for a live blog of the double eviction!
We will be bringing you exclusive recaps, spoilers, photos from Big Brother 14 all season long. LIKE us on FACEBOOK (Click here) or FOLLOW US on TWITTER (Click here) to be kept up to date on all things Big Brother!

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