Ben Flajnik On Courtney Robertson: “My feelings For Courtney Are Strong”


If you’re wondering how in the world did Courtney Robertson make it to the final four on last night’s episode of The Bachelor, Ben Flajnik himself has the answer for you.

In a new blog post for People, Flajnik reveals his feelings for Courtney as “strong,” and says The Bachelor “may not have been the best environment” for her to thrive in.
Here is some of what Ben had to say:
“Here I was, amongst the clouds, with such an amazing woman. I’d never felt so close to my father and to my happiness.

“To share this moment with Courtney was an exciting experience, and I knew if we moved forward that we would always be able to share this moment.

“That evening, however, things got a little strange. It’s a tough thing, I understand, for the women to find a fine line between getting along with the other women and realizing it’s difficult to be friends with people dating the people you are dating.

“I’ve been there, and it’s tough. I know it’s been hard for Courtney, and to be honest, I’m not sure this was the best environment for her. But, just as I tell the women to take our relationships individually, I try to do the same.

“My feelings for Courtney are strong and I don’t want to let external forces get in the way. As the rose ceremony approached, I had a lot going through my head. [Which head, Ben, I ask?]

“All the women told me about their reservations regarding Courtney; I had to think about what I was missing, or if this was all just the nature of the women living together.

“It’s amazing to see how deeply the women felt about their dislike for Courtney, and it’s equally amazing not to see any of that coming through in her actions with me.

“It was a lot to consider, but my conversation with Courtney at the rose ceremony reaffirmed that I have to focus on the way she is when she’s with me.

“I see what some of the women were talking about, but I still feel great about Courtney because when I’m with her, I feel really connected to her. [oh oh, did he just use PRESENT tense?]

What do you think? Do you think Courtney is being singled out by the other women because the others are just jealous?

3 thoughts on “Ben Flajnik On Courtney Robertson: “My feelings For Courtney Are Strong”

  1. it’s totally vienna all over again. DONT these men learn? it will be a short lived romance if he picks her. way to go ben, way to go!

  2. Pingback: The Bachelor 2/20 Show Recap: Who Got Eliminated After Hometown Dates - CelebMagnet

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