The Bachelor 2/27 Show Recap: Who Got A Rose And Made The Final Two?


The Bachelor starring Ben Flajnik aired its ninth episode of the season February 27, 2012. At the start of the show, we were down to the three overnight dates with Courtney, Lindzi and Nicki.

Below is a live, minute by minute recap of the show.

On last week’s episode, Flajnik sent home fan favorite Kacie Boguskie. On tonight’s episode of the show, Courtney Robertson, Lindzi Cox and Nicki Sterling all go to Switzerland with Ben for their overnight dates.

The show starts with Ben speaking on each lady and why he likes them.

Nicki gets the first date with Ben. He takes her on a helicopter ride to a picnic on the top of a mountain. Nicki says she is  in love with him.

At dinner, he asks her what she thinks her life would be like with him and she says she sees herself living and working in San Francisco with him. He tells her he wants four kids. The date card arrives and she accepts to go to the couple’s fantasy suite. In the suite, she tells him that she loves him and the two make out in a Jacuzzi.

Lindzi gets the second date and it’s a doozy. The terrified couple rappel down the side of a mountain that’s 300ft high. He tells the camera that he loves her. Once they get down the mountain, they head to another outdoor jacuzzi. Shocker. And of course, the duo make out. Later on during the night, they go to dinner and talk about her previous relationship. She admits she wants her relationship with Ben to end with a proposal.

When the date card arrives, she says she is excited to spend the night with him and the two end up on the bed.

Ben saved the last date for Courtney. He admits the way she has treated the other women scares him. They take the train to see the Alps and then go to Wengen. She tells him that she feels bad for how she treated the other women. Though he calls her out on it, he doesn’t want to talk about it to ruin the day. They have a picnic in a meadow and then later go to dinner and she wants to talk about the other girls. She says this situation has brought out the worst in her and she’s not proud of it. He says he sees more good than bad in her. She says she would do things differently if given a chance.

The fantasy suite card arrives and she says yes. They go to the suite and end up in a two-seated hot tub. And guess what comes next? Yep, a make out session.

Kacie came back and asked Ben why he dismissed her. She said she was shocked when she was eliminated. He said that they are from two different worlds. She said she would have been the one to decide whether she would have moved in with Ben or not had things progressed–that she would not have listened to her parents.

She also warned Ben that Courtney will break his heart if he picks her. She wanted to tell him because she loves him. She told him that Courtney once said “it’s not Ben, there are other fish in the sea.”
She admits that she’s still heartbroken because she loved Ben.

Kacie’s comments makes Ben question if he is perhaps being played by Courtney. He tells Chris Harrison about the visit and conversation with Kacie and admits he is confused. Chris offers for Kacie to attend the rose ceremony and Ben declines.

First rose went to Lindzi. For those of you hoping to see Courtney sent home, sorry, she got the second rose. Nicki was eliminated and sent home by Ben instead and she left broken hearted. Ben told Nicki she is amazing and that she deserves a lot. She told him that she fears that he is going to get hurt.SPOILERS:

UPDATE: The spoilers were right yet again.
The spoilers (STOP READING IF YOU DON’T WANT TO KNOW) is that Nicki is the one who Ben sends whom and Courtney and Lindzi will both get a rose and be the final two women standing.

5 thoughts on “The Bachelor 2/27 Show Recap: Who Got A Rose And Made The Final Two?

  1. The show has lost it’s edge hasn’t it..? It’s very predictable and quite frankly kind of boring these days…going to be the last season I watch.

  2. Pingback: Bachelor Ben Spills His Feelings For Courtney & Lindzi - CelebMagnet

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