Big Brother 7/27: Who Won POV?


A full recap of Big Brother 13 episode airing July 27, 2011 can be found here, but for now, please keep reading if you want spoilers from the live feed on who won the Power of Veto and what is going on between the alliances.


Adam and Dominic are on the block for eviction. But Brendon won POV in a spelling competition and Brendon used the same word he used last year in the same competition. DUH!

As the week progressed, Rachel, Brendon, Jordan and Jeff caught on to Daniele’s secret plan to drive a wedge between the veteran oldies group by aligning with Dominic, Kalia and Lawon.

Dani keeps trying to get Rachel to backdoor Jeff as HOH. All of this makes the veterans bond even stronger together and plan on getting rid of Dom this week so Dani can’t keep using him to do his dirty work. Too bad they can’t backdoor Dani since she has the Golden Key. This is Big Brother, so, anything is likely to happen or change and Dom may be saved. But for now, Dom is the target for eviction this week.

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