RECAP: Big Brother 7/27 – Who Overplayed Their Hands?


On Wednesday July 27, Big Brother 13, we joined our houseguests during Rachel’s second stint as Head of Household and Dominic and Adam on the eviction chopping block.

Immediately after the nominations, Dominic felt safe as a pawn because he had struck a deal with Brendon and Rachel on the last episode to form an alliance with them and his BFF in the house, Daniele.

Adam did not feel totally safe from eviction because even though he was assured by Brenchel that he is just a pawn, he didn’t really believe her. Rachel went and spoke to both Adam and Dom soon after the nominations and told them she is open to deals. Dom was justifiably taken aback because he felt he already had a deal in place with Rachel.

Daniele told Rachel that if she makes a big move, she knows the house would support her – and by a big move, she meant back dooring Jeff and Jordan. Daniele kept pressuring Rachel about this idea at every chance she got. Her brainwashing seemed to be working as we later saw Brendon and Rachel taking a bubble bath together and discussing a possible back dooring of Jeff in between mutual foot massages. The two seemed confused as to the strength of their veteran alliance and were considering getting rid of their strongest allies to date.

Dom again told Rachel he wants to work with Brenchel 100% because he trusts them over Jeff and Jordan since Brenchel wanted to pull Dom off of the block last week. Dom told them Adam is a wildcard and he can’t read him. Brendon asked Dom to throw the POV and Dom agreed.

Jeff sees Dom and Daniele hanging out all the time and thinks something is fishy since he is supposed to be in an alliance with Daniele and she knows he wants Dom out of the house. Meanwhile, Daniele went to meet with Rachel and Brendon again and almost threw a tantrum when she found out that they had convinced Dom to throw the Veto competition–this made Brendon start to question Daniele’s motives. The four veterans met up and discussed Daniele and all came up with the conclusion that it is in Daniele’s best interest for the four of them to fight so that she can ride into the finale while the four of them knock each other out.

Rachel picked Jeff and Jordan’s name out of the bag to play and picked Porsche as the host. The players went outside and found a giant stubbly-legged lady in a bathtub outside. The Hot Legs game was individual play and each person had to pluck hairs from the woman’s legs, and each hair had a letter. The person who spelled the longest word using the hairs would win.

As promised, Dom threw the game. Adam tried his hardest because he did not feel safe. Funny enough, they each spelled 9-letter words and came in tied for second. Here is what everyone spelled:

Little – Jordan
Standings – Dom (Brendon asked himself, who spells a 9-letter word when trying to throw a comp?)
Moustrizing – Rachel wanted to spell “moisturizing” but obviously misspelled it.
Fractions – Adam
Expresses – Jeff
Understanding – Brendon (Brendon used the same word as he spelled last year in a spelling comp!)

Brendon won the POV comp.

Even though Dom felt comfortable in his deal with Brenchel, he figured it would be a good idea to secure the votes of other newbies to make sure he stays in the house. So, he approached Shelly and asked her to vote against Adam for eviction. In the process, he made the fatal mistake of telling Shelly that Daniele has his back and they want Jeff out of the game. Shelly agreed to give Dom her vote but later said in the Diary Room that Dom wants to go after the two people she trusts the most (Jeff and Jordan) and that is not good for Shelly.

Shelly met with Jordan and told her that Dom and Daniele are working together and that Dom wants Jeff out. The two of them ran straight to Rachel and Brendon and told them of their findings. Brendon then met with Jeff and came clean about Dom asking them to team up with him and Daniele.  Brendon promised Jeff that from now on, they would have J&J’s back one million percent. Jeff said he will have their back too until final four.

Brendon decided not to use the POV, so, on Thursday, either Adam or Dominic will be evicted. And we will have another twist hit the BB house.

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