Sex And The City 3 In The Works?

Sex and the City fans – do not listen to rumors that the SATC franchise is dead.

It is true that Sex and the City 2 was a bomb with critics, but that didn’t keep the fans away as we all spent over $95 million at the box office in the U.S. alone to see our beloved New Yorkers Carrie, Miranda, Charlotte and Samantha.

That ain’t no chump change, and Sarah Jessica Parker, a star and producer of the SATC movies, has taken note.

According to Vulture, Parker is not closing the door on a sequel.

At the New York City Ballet’s red carpet recently, Parker told Vulture, “I don’t know the future….I would say that you never know what will happen with that particular franchise. It’s less about the reviewers than it is about the audience, and they’ve been pretty true, so we tend to listen to them more than anybody else.”

Well, let’s be thankful that it’s not in the hands of the critics. I will hold on to the small glimmer of hope for SATC 3 because I for one really miss our foursome friends, especially after meeting Kristin Davis recently at a Women Powering Women Symposium. Davis who plays Charlotte on the SATC franchise is as sweet in real life as her character is on the screen, and it was truly a joy to meet someone I have watched on the small and big screen for years. It was as if I were reunited with a dear old lost friend.