Big Brother 7/17 Recap: Who Was Nominated For Eviction?

Big Brother 13 episode # 4 aired Sunday, July 17, 2011. Jordan won H.O.H. last week and had to put two houseguests up for eviction nomination tonight.

Sunday’s show starts with dumbfounded newbies who were confused and concerned that Keith, not Porsche, was voted out despite their apparent agreement otherwise.

As we remember from Thursday’s episode, Kalia and Shelly went against their newbie alliance and voted against Keith, giving the oldies the votes they needed to accomplish their goal of getting rid of a strong newbie. Dominic and Adam were trying to figure out who lied about their votes. The oldies just assumed Kalia and Adam voted their way.

Kalia told the camera that she voted against Keith because he called her out in front of the newbies as a friend of the oldies alliance.

Shelly said in the diary room that the best thing about voting with the oldies alliance is that none of the newbies or oldies knew she did it.

Adam realized the newbies are not united and feels like he can’t trust anyone. Lawon felt completely blindsided by the betrayal and said in the diary room that he felt “furious like a volcano in Hawaii about to erupt.”

Leave it to Rachel to say it like it is in the diary room: “We were in such a tough spot, but we were still able to pull together house majority. If the newbies band together, they could have evicted Porsche this week and we’d be in a really tough spot. So, I am thanking all my lucky stars that these newbies are idiots.”

Eventually and after much discussion, everyone thought Adam was one of the newbies who turned on the newbies. Based on this wrong assumption, Dominic told Cassi that Adam is dead to him and that he wants to shake things up and possibly get Daniele to their side.

Keith’s eviction made Adam realize that he is on a weaker alliance that he can’t trust. So, he went to Jeff and Jordan and admitted he voted to evict Porsche. He told them the alliance he thought he had with the newbies is not there and told Jeff that the oldies know how to play the game better than the newbies do, so, he wants to join their side. You know, for real this time. He also said if he gets the Golden Key, he will owe them a lot. Seriously, can he be trusted at this point when he is so desperate to be on a winning side? 

Dominic starts flirting with Daniele because he says that’s the only way to get through to her. And his strategy is working. Daniele told him she will try to get the oldies to vote Adam out instead of him. She told Jeff and Jordan that Dom could be easily manipulated and they should get rid of Cassi instead.

It didn’t take Rachel long to find a new nemesis in the house even though she and Brendon decided to play nice this season. Things went south when Cassi told Rachel she did not like Porsche and Rachel told her “some of us like Porsche and she’s here for another month,” before walking out on her. Rachel says Cassi gets on her nerves and told Jeff and Jordan that Cassi is after them.

Houseguests had to suit up as “super” ants –each duo packed into one ant suit–and go to a picnic with giant-sized food. The first group to collect four food crumbs by crawling through slimy ketchup and baked beans would win the competition. Brendon and Rachel won the competition by using the strategy of having Brendon on Rachel’s back–a position she said she usually enjoys. TMI.

When the competition finished, Kalia seemed injured and could not move at all. She was crying in agony and no one knew why. BB medics came to the rescue and cut Lawon out of the suit, leaving Kalia better all of the sudden. She was cleared by the medics and said most of the pain was fear. Shelly said to the camera, “It was drama, save it for your mama…but not this mama.”

America picked beef jerky and jelly beans as the “treat” that the have nots could have for the week. Everyone was upset but Adam who loves beef jerky.

Dominic told Jeff and Jordan that his back is against the wall and he wants to play with them now. Jeff said, “you have to climb the ladder before you get to the roof….we have to be able to trust you…and listen, you have to vote our way….or go home.”

Cassi told them she wants her and Shelly to stay in this game as long as possible and will have no problem putting up other newbies.


Jordan put Adam and Dominic on the block with Dominic as the target. She tells the camera that her alliance wanted her to go another way but she does not know where these two guys’ heads are at, so, she went with her gut. She told the duo after nominations that she feels that if either of them were HOH, they would come after her. Adam says in the diary room that Jordan has told him she has his back and if she is lying to him, he will lose faith in society. He’s so dramatic!

PLEASE FOLLOW CELEBMAGNET on Twitter and Facebook so I can send you updates of every important Big Brother scoop I get!

But during the POV, Adam and Dom won and of course, they will probably use it. The oldies at this moment plan to put Cassi and Shelly with Cassi as the target.  But who knows–this is Big Brother when anything and everything changes by the minute.

Big Brother Eviction 7/14 Recap

Big Brother aired Thursday July 14. Below is a show recap:

The oldies realized with Evel Dick out of the game, they were one more man down and needed to up their social game.

Brendon and Rachel played the big bootie game with the newbies. And Jeff said he will have to “whore” himself out and play nice as well. Rachel brought out “Vegas Rachel” to have fun with the houseguests. But Dominic was on to their strategy.

We find out “Boookieee” is Brendon and Rachel’s pet name for each other and Brendon is not happy about others knowing about it. He also did not want Rachel to play party girl because she is almost his wife. Brendon tells Rachel in private that he loves her with all his heart but feels that being called Bookie in front of everyone makes their relationship look like a joke. He slept on the couch as the two seemed a bit drifted.

The next day, Brendon tells Rachel he is trying to be a medical professional and feels emasculated by Rachel’s antics in front of people. They kissed and made up.

Jeff thinks Adam is a huge BB fan. So, in order to woo him more to the oldies’ side, he comes up with the idea of letting Adam pick the name for the oldies’ alliance. Brilliant Jeff! Adam came up with “Adam’s Angels.” I doubt that name will stick for two reasons: The name sucks. And Adam did not vote with the oldies in the eviction. Read more!

Evel Dick sent a video message to the BB houseguests. He said he would never have left if it were not a personal emergency. He also apologized to his daughter Daniele for not being able to spend the summer with her, especially since the two seem to get along best inside that house per him. He told the rest of the house to play well and challenged them to fight hard.  Daniele was asked to give her dad a message and all she said is, “hanging in there!”

Julie Chen asked Daniele, “No I love you?” to which Daniele responded, “That is so awkward. Of course I love my father, he is my biological father.” Fast forward to voting who to evict, Daniel rushed this out before she voted to evict Keith: “I just want to say I do love my father and I have done nothing but worry about him every day since he left.” Nice save Daniele.

Here is a full summary of Dick’s message as to why he left the BB house.

Both Porsche and Keith thought they were safe before the vote. In her plea for safety, Porsche kissed some major oldie ass. Here is who each houseguest voted to evict:

KEITH = Brendon, Jordan, Jeff, Daniele, Kalia, Shelly (Kalia and Shelly crossed lines)
PORSCHE = Dominic, Cassi, Lawon, Adam (The Regulators stuck together and Adam did not vote with Oldies)
Julie Chen announces that Keith is evicted by a vote of 6-4 and that Porsche gets a Golden Key. Keith took the shocking eviction rather well.

Keith said he is very shocked that he is evicted and that people went back on their word. He said he wished he played the game a bit different. Julie interjected that he is one of the few people in BB history to be on the block and throw the veto competition. He was at a loss for words except to admit that he got played. 
Keith said he is an emotional guy and did not want to fall for the hot Porsche, so, he played with his head. HUH? Then why did he pick her as a team mate? In their goodbye interviews, Cassi told him he came here to play the dating game. Lawon said Keith was a ticking time bomb which exploded. Rachel said he underestimated the power of hurricane Brachel. She then showed him a t shirt she was wearing which read, “You can look, but you can’t touch.”
The houseguests play the Big Brother Open – a miniature golf game. The player who is closest to hole #1 would win the game. Rachel as existing HOH picked the order of the players and she picked Dominic to go first and he got a 6. Adam got an 8 and was eliminated. Cassi’s ball went in the water and she was eliminated. Shelly’s ball also went in the water and she got eliminated. Lawon did the same and was eliminated. Kalia got a 6 and tied with Dominic. Jordan got a 3 and eliminated Dominic and Kalia. Jeff threw the competition and got eliminated. Brendon also threw the competition, leaving Jordan as the HOH! Jordan later thanks Jeff and Brendon in front of everyone for letting her win like Jeff did last season.
Shelly was asked how hard is it to be away from her daughter and she said she sleeps with her daughter’s “puppy.”
Adam was asked who his favorite 90210 (the original series) is and he went into a frenzy and started yelling, “Donna Martin graduates, Donna Martin graduates. DONNA MARTIN GRADUATEEEEEES.” Someone remind me, how old is this guy?

Follow CelebMagnet on Twitter and Facebook to receive updates of every important Big Brother scoop I get!

Big Brother 7/13 Recap: Who WON Power Of Veto?

Big Brother 13 episode # 3 aired on July 11, 2011. Below is a summary recap of the show and who won the Power of Veto.

Live blogging of important events is taking place now and a full recap of the show and why Evel Dick Donato left the show, will be posted later tonight.

Of course we know that Rachel had nominated Porsche and Keith for eviction. We find out that the selection was Dick’s idea. We also find out Keith is Rachel’s real target because she thinks Porschewill vote her way.

Keith feels safe in the house because he believes The Regulators will help save him. Keith wants to throw the POV competition so he can stay on the block, be saved, and get the Golden Key. Porche on the other hand does not get the fact that if she throws the competition and stays on the block the oldies will keep her and she gets the Golden Key.

This is how Evel Dick Donato left the show: Dick got called to the Diary Room but never came out. After he was gone for two hours, the houseguests got worried. Rachel then got called to the Diary Room and the house is still Dick-less!

Rachel comes out and reads an announcement to the houseguests: Dick had to leave for urgent personal matters, and as a result, Daniele gets a Golden Key–meaning she is safe for four weeks but she will not be able to participate in any competitions.

Daniel got emotional about her father’s absence and was worried about his well being. She tells Rachel and Brendon that her dad lives for BB and for him not to be there, it must be a big deal. She’s also sad that she has to sit on the sidelines and not play in any competition.

Brendon did not take the news well either and and was angry that his team was now one more man down. The other oldies were trying to calm him down in Rachel’s HOH room so the other houseguests wouldn’t hear him and realize (as if they hadn’t already) that the oldies are in an alliance. Jordon expressed her fears for being disadvantaged now but Jeff told the oldies team to stop bitching and crying and play the game and win the competitions.

Daniel later realized how beneficial the Golden Key is. She figured she can build personal relationships with the newbies during the four weeks of guaranteed safety.


Keith started making waves for himself by verbalizing his joy that Dick was gone. Shelly tells the camera that no one should publicly make fun of an obvious emergency situation for Dick. Keith then calls a newbie meeting and rats out Porsche and Kalia as being too chummy with the oldies and accused them of playing with the oldies. Lawon called Keith a “ticking time bomb” to the camera and said he is about to explode. Dominic started to question Keith’s stability.

Keith told the camera he will throw the competition because he feels safe. Rachel pulled Jeff and Jordan’s names out of players lottery bag and so she and Brendon along with Jeff and Jordan and Porsche and Keith compete for the POV. Rachel chose Adam as the MC.

Before the competition, the oldies talked to Porsche to make sure she was still on board to throw the competition and she said yes, “it’s more fun that way.”

Jordan was terrible in the puzzle making competition and it was funny to watch both Keith and Porsche throwing the competition yet doing better than Jordan.

Rachel wins POV. Rachel and Brendon meet with Adam and Dominic and tell them “we won’t put you up this week, we ask that you don’t put us up next week.” They then met with Kalia and Lawon and told them the same thing. And then they met with Shelly and Cassi. Cassi was the only person who stood up to the duo and asked questions of Brendon and Rachel. She told them their strength scares them. After all of this, Rachel decides to leave the votes as is, meaning Keith and Porsche remain on the block.


PLEASE DO what Brendon Villegas does and follow me like he does on Twitter and Facebook so I can send you updates of every important Big Brother scoop I get!

Big Brother Nominations 7/10 Recap

Big Brother 13 week two episode on July 11, 2011 started with the oldies/Dynamic Duos (or the Allstars as they like to call themselves) conspiring against the 8 newbie houseguests. Most of us know by now that Evel Dick Donato has left the show, but, he was still present when this nominations episode was taped and aired.

We hear Rachel Reilly and Brendon Villegas talking about the effect of the new Golden Key on the game which allows the holders of the key to float through the first four weeks of the game with no eviction, no competition, and no slop. Rachel says this is a whole new game than what she is used to. Brendon says the new game favors floaters and he and Rachel still hate floaters. Rachel gives floaters an official name, “Golden Ticket Holders.”

Before he leaves the Big Brother house, Dick tells the oldies that the newbies are like the three stooges and will go down like they are on a shooting range, one after another. To achieve his domination plan over the newbies, Dick suggests they bring two newbies on their side to out number the newbies. Daniele suggests that they can offer the people safety in exchange for later loyalty.

Meanwhile, Dominic Briones, Keith Henderson, Cassie Colvin and Lawon Exum have formed an inner alliance against their own partners and agreed to keep each other in the game until the final four. They name themselves “The Regulators.”

Dick sees Porche Briggs as a strong competitor and easy to manipulate over time so he asks her to join them and she agrees. Porche tells Keith of her agreement and gets his apparent OK but Keith runs to Dominic and spills Porche’s beans. Dominic tells Keith to pretend to go along with Porche.

Dick also tells Adam Poch that he would like to have a chat with him. Adam meets Dick and the other oldies in Rachel’s HOH bedroom and is told that if he gets nominated, they would pool their votes to give him the Golden Key and send his partner Dominic home. In return, they ask Adam to throw competitions for them and pool his vote with the old timers. Dick gets a bit cocky here and makes Adam feel that he should see this offer to team up with the Allstars as an honor. “It’s an offer you can’t refuse,” Dick tells Adam. Adam agrees in person but when in diary room, he tells the camera that Dick is a pupet master and all Adam can think about is getting Dick out of the house.

The ‘Have and Have Not’ competition was held and three teams were formed with four people in each team.  Brendon and Rachel are automatic Haves this week since they are the Head of Household. One of these three teams would be declared a loser and would have to sleep in an uncomfortable bedroom for a week which looks like an insane asylum with padded walls. Shelly Moore says the room looks like a looney bin. The losers will have to have the room’s lights on all the time and eat BB Slop for a week. Oh ya, and they can only take cold showers for the week.

The theme of the competition was moon craters. The players had to dive into a crater of milk and then head to the lunar landing to get their teammates to squeeze out enough milk to fill 6 huge jugs. The last team to complete the quest would be the ‘Have Nots’ for the week.

The blue team finished first which consisted of Dick, Daniele, Jeff and JordanThe green team finished second which consisted of Keith, Porsche, Adam and Dominic. The orange team finished last which were Cassie, Shelly, Kalia and Lawon.

Here are the ‘Have Nots’ for the week:

Rachel then calls everyone in for the Nomination Ceremony. Brendon is already safe as Rachel’s partner. Daniele and Dick are the first to be declared safe this week. Danielle and Dick pull Jordan and Jeff’s keys. Jordan and Jeff pull Lawon and Kalia’s keys. Lawon and Kalia pull Cassie and Shelly’s keys. Shelly and Cassie pull Adam and Dominic’s keys.

Keith and Porsche are nominated for eviction, leaving Porsche shocked for having been put up this week. Keith knows the Regulators will support him and feels safe. In the Diary Room Rachel says that she wants Keith to be evicted and to give Porsche the Golden Key so she will vote with them each week.


Join Big Brother 13 on Wednesday for the Power of Veto and Power of Veto Ceremony.
PLEASE DO what Brendon Villegas does and follow me like he does on Twitter and Facebook so I can send you updates of every important Big Brother scoop I get!


The Power of Veto competition has already taken place.

Rachel and Brandon along with Jeff and Jordan and Porsche and Keith compete for the POV. Adam is the MC. Rachel wins POV. Rachel decides to leave the votes as is, meaning Keith and Porsche remain on the block.

What do you think of the nominees? Did Rachel make the right decision? Who will go home? Porsche? Or Keith? Who do you think is the strongest player in the house is? And what do you think will be the effect on the game when Dick leaves unexpectedly?

Big Brother 7/7 Recap: What Twists & Turns Were Sprung On New Cast?

OH Big Brother, my guilty summer pleasure, thank you for coming back! This summer’s Big Brother Season 13, which premiered Thursday July 7, boasts of 52 cameras and 95 microphones, promising to catch every dirt slinging, backstabbing and fight our new (and old) houseguests will partake in. And I will be right here to keep you informed of it all with a weekly recap of every juicy detail all season long!

Let’s start the season by saying that the game we all love and thought knew so well, looks to have been turned entirely upside down by what promises to be countless new twists and turns. At first, we are introduced to the season’s 8 new houseguests, who include everything from a youth minister who appears obsessed with women, to a model who doesn’t want people to misjudge her because of her beauty, to a VIP cocktail waitress who believes she will be targeted because she lives a luxurious life. We also have a thrill seeking virgin and a rocker who is too old to be a rocker. None of these guys and gals piqued my interest but leave it to BB to throw in a big twist right off the bat and just when I thought I knew what’s going on.
The first twist the TV audience (but not the houseguests) were told by Julie Chen is that for the first time ever, three “Dynamic Duo’s” from the past would come back to taunt the newbies and play the game again. JOY OH JOY, I wondered who they could be? (Well, if you have been on the BB site lately, you already knew who America voted to bring back, but I tried to keep it a surprise for myself, so, I stayed away! You can see the fan vote results at bottom of this page.)
The contestants who did not hear Julie tell the viewing audience about the return of the Dynamic Duos quickly realized for themselves that there are 10 beds and 12 place settings, but only 8 of them in the house. So, they figured out that more people would be joining them. With that realization, the most-repeated phrase in BB history were uttered by newbie Adam: “Expect the unexpected.”

Julie Chen dropped the first twist on the houseguests that each contestant would have to immediately chose a partner from the pool of people they just met with whom to play the game moving forward. Julie also tells them that if one contestant of the pair wins H.O.H. (Head Of Household), so would their partner. Along the same lines, pairs will be put up on the chopping block together and they would then have to campaign against their partner to stay in the game. This is bad enough in and of itself before we find out later on in the episode that if one survives the chopping block, that person gets a “Golden Key,” which is essentially a safety pass or Power of Veto until only 10 contestants remain. But we will get to that later. Confused yet?

The newbies are told to pick a partner. The youth minister Keith who told everyone he is a matchmaker, quickly jumps on the blonde Porsche, obviously using the wrong head to make his decision. We then get the partnership of Cassi and Shelly who are my vote for the strongest newbie duo, Kalia and Lowan, and Dominic and Adam.

Once the pairings are done, the houseguests decide to form an 8-member alliance to beat out anyone who would walk through the door after they had. Sure enough, the doorbell rings and Rachel Reilly and Brendon Villegas from season 12 walk in the door. YES!! Say what you want about this wacky couple who just got engaged after breaking up temporarily when Brendon got caught sending out some sexy photos of himself to someone other than Rachel. But you can’t deny that they are strong players and fun-slash-annoying to watch. But, at least they give us a reason to watch.

Before the contestants can even digest Brendon and Rachel’s entrance, or Rachel’s god-awful laugh, the doorbell rings again and Jordan Lloyd and Jeff Schroeder walk in! Two of my favorites who I am thrilled to see are still together after also having met on BB almost two years ago. The newbie contestants are much more pleased with this surprise and treat the duo and previous BB winner (Jordan) as BB celebrity. 

But the doorbell rings for a third time and season 8’s Evel Dick and Daniele Donato enter the house. WOAH! WHAT? Thought we got rid of that guy by awarding him $500K already for being the biggest ass on TV. Guess it pays to be evel. Turns out, as no shock to any true BB fan, that Daniele and her father Dick haven’t spoken to each other in three years, which makes their “couple” status a bit more complicated. And awkward. Then again, these two hardly got along the first time they were on the show but they came in numero uno and number two, respectively, anyway.


The first H.O.H. competition takes place in the Big Brother backyard and is called appropriately enough, “Going Bananas.” Each couple gets and hangs on to a single giant slippery banana and the goal is to see which houseguest can hold on the longest. Random squirts of chocolate sauce and whip cream splash the contestants making the bananas extremely hard to grasp. But c’mon, which of you didn’t know that Rachel would for sure win a contest which required holding on for dear life to a banana? And sure enough, she won. Even she told the cameras afterwards, “Nothing comes between me and my banana,” which made me wonder if that’s her nickname for Brendon. I mean, she is the one that repeatedly said nothing comes between her and her man the last time she was on the show.

Shelly is the first to fall off, saying to the camera later that she and partner Cassie wanted to seem weak. That’s funny because the entire newbie group seemed weak and when it was all said and done, there were still 3 repeating BB houseguests left when all newbies had shamelessly fallen off. That’s bad especially considering there are two more newbies than oldies in the house.

Jordan expectantly falls next followed by Keith and then Cassi. Then Lowan, Adam, Jeff and Dominic take falls one after another. Brendan falls too, and Kalia follows shortly thereafter. The remaining contestants are shot with whip cream, and Porsche falls immediately, leaving only the oldies in the game. Dick and Daniele agree to fall if Rachel promises them safety and she agrees. With that deal in place, Dick falls off. Then goes Danielle and Rachel is crowned the first H.O.H.

Once inside, Julie Chen informs the whip creamed houseguests of the Golden Key twist and says “Being a nominee this season will be both a blessing and a curse” since the person who survives the nomination would win the key guarantying a spot in the top ten. The Golden Key winner will not be able to participate in a H.O.H. competition but will be able to vote on evictions. One thing that Julie did not address but which I put together is that the Power of Veto will save a couple as a pair and not just one person.

Sunday night, Rachel will have to nominate the couple she wants to put up for eviction. Wednesday, the house will compete for the Power of Veto, followed by Thursday night’s eviction.


Adam Poch – A metal head, music inventory manager who loves appletinis and Beverly Hills, 90210. He and Evel Dick will either be BFFs or end up killing each other. It could go either way.

Cassi Colvin – A beautiful model from Texas who is hiding her real day job so the other players don’t misjudge her as someone trying to steal their boyfriends. She claims she is a southern tomboy guys’ girl who loves her beer and country music.

Dominic Briones-  A 24-year old college student adrenaline junkie who is a virgin and still living with mom.

Kalia Booker – A proclaimed real-life Carrie Bradshaw from Sex and the City–she is a relationship advice blogger. She also has a phobia of hair and can’t fathom showering in a public shower.

Keith Henderson – A youth minister who loves women as much as his Bible and who lied about his profession, telling everyone he is a matchmaker. He thought that would help him get in tight with the BB ladies so he could form an alliance called “Keith’s Angels.” But then, the couples’ pairing twist squashed his heavenly dreams.

Lawon Exum A legal file clerk who wears outlandish clothes. He seems to be trying way too hard to be funny, but then, I know someone who knows him in real life and he promised me that Lawon will have us in stitches soon enough. So, only time can tell.

Porsche Briggs – That’s right, Porsche. She got the name because her parents thought it would be funny naming their baby girl after a car. She is a VIP cocktail waitress from Miami Beach, Fla., who says her personality is her best feature, but “the doctors did help a little bit” when they enhanced her boobs. She also lied about her profession because, get this, to avoid everyone thinking her real job as a waitress is “too luxurious” of a career. So, she told everyone she’s a student.

Shelly Moore- May be the oldest player on the newbie side. A mom and an outdoor apparel company VP.


Here is how America/BB fans voted on who should return to the BB house:

Brendon & Rachel: 21%
Dr. Will & Mike “Boogie”: 16%
Jessie & Natalie: 1%
Evel Dick & Daniele: 24%
Jeff & Jordan: 32%
Hayden & Enzo: 6%
PLEASE DO what Brendon Villegas does and follow me like he does on Twitter and Facebook so I can send you updates of every important Big Brother scoop I get!

Big Brother’s Brendon Villegas & Rachel Reilly Are Engaged!

Couples meeting on ABC’s The Bachelor keep breaking up but Rachel Reilly and Brendon Villegas who coupled up on the 12th season of the CBS reality show Big Brother have big news: They’re engaged!

CelebMagnet caught up with the couple at Reality Rocks Expo in Downtown Los Angeles where Rachel broke the news, “We just got engaged and are planning our wedding. I just moved from Las Vegas to LA!” About their rocky relationship, she said, “Outside of the Big Brother house it’s even been more challenging to keep our relationship together but we have overcame those challenges and we’re engaged.”
Congrats Rachel and Brendon. As a huge Big Brother fan, I have always been rooting for the two of you! I’ll be waiting for my wedding invite 😉