Big Brother 7/13 Recap: Who WON Power Of Veto?


Big Brother 13 episode # 3 aired on July 11, 2011. Below is a summary recap of the show and who won the Power of Veto.

Live blogging of important events is taking place now and a full recap of the show and why Evel Dick Donato left the show, will be posted later tonight.

Of course we know that Rachel had nominated Porsche and Keith for eviction. We find out that the selection was Dick’s idea. We also find out Keith is Rachel’s real target because she thinks Porschewill vote her way.

Keith feels safe in the house because he believes The Regulators will help save him. Keith wants to throw the POV competition so he can stay on the block, be saved, and get the Golden Key. Porche on the other hand does not get the fact that if she throws the competition and stays on the block the oldies will keep her and she gets the Golden Key.

This is how Evel Dick Donato left the show: Dick got called to the Diary Room but never came out. After he was gone for two hours, the houseguests got worried. Rachel then got called to the Diary Room and the house is still Dick-less!

Rachel comes out and reads an announcement to the houseguests: Dick had to leave for urgent personal matters, and as a result, Daniele gets a Golden Key–meaning she is safe for four weeks but she will not be able to participate in any competitions.

Daniel got emotional about her father’s absence and was worried about his well being. She tells Rachel and Brendon that her dad lives for BB and for him not to be there, it must be a big deal. She’s also sad that she has to sit on the sidelines and not play in any competition.

Brendon did not take the news well either and and was angry that his team was now one more man down. The other oldies were trying to calm him down in Rachel’s HOH room so the other houseguests wouldn’t hear him and realize (as if they hadn’t already) that the oldies are in an alliance. Jordon expressed her fears for being disadvantaged now but Jeff told the oldies team to stop bitching and crying and play the game and win the competitions.

Daniel later realized how beneficial the Golden Key is. She figured she can build personal relationships with the newbies during the four weeks of guaranteed safety.


Keith started making waves for himself by verbalizing his joy that Dick was gone. Shelly tells the camera that no one should publicly make fun of an obvious emergency situation for Dick. Keith then calls a newbie meeting and rats out Porsche and Kalia as being too chummy with the oldies and accused them of playing with the oldies. Lawon called Keith a “ticking time bomb” to the camera and said he is about to explode. Dominic started to question Keith’s stability.

Keith told the camera he will throw the competition because he feels safe. Rachel pulled Jeff and Jordan’s names out of players lottery bag and so she and Brendon along with Jeff and Jordan and Porsche and Keith compete for the POV. Rachel chose Adam as the MC.

Before the competition, the oldies talked to Porsche to make sure she was still on board to throw the competition and she said yes, “it’s more fun that way.”

Jordan was terrible in the puzzle making competition and it was funny to watch both Keith and Porsche throwing the competition yet doing better than Jordan.

Rachel wins POV. Rachel and Brendon meet with Adam and Dominic and tell them “we won’t put you up this week, we ask that you don’t put us up next week.” They then met with Kalia and Lawon and told them the same thing. And then they met with Shelly and Cassi. Cassi was the only person who stood up to the duo and asked questions of Brendon and Rachel. She told them their strength scares them. After all of this, Rachel decides to leave the votes as is, meaning Keith and Porsche remain on the block.


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One thought on “Big Brother 7/13 Recap: Who WON Power Of Veto?

  1. I already feel like this season is destined to be less than it could have been with ED. As much as some people dislike some (or all) of the returnees, it really had potential. But Danielle is a good competitor in comps but mostly a wet rag outside that. Jeff and Jordan are sort of meh. But a Jeff/Brenchel/ED battle could have been epic! Like Rob vs. Russell on Heroes vs. Villains.

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