Adrian Peterson – Gets Sports Illustrated Cover; Donates Funds To Disaster Response Group

Minnesota Vikings star running back Adrian Peterson, who stands on the verge of breaking the NFL’s single-season rushing record less than a year after major knee surgery, is honored this week by getting his fifth cover of Sports Illustrated.

The SI cover calls this the year of  Adrian Peterson. And it certainly is, both on and off the field. The current leader in the NFL for rushing yards, is also a leader on the charity front. AP has opened his checkbook to donate $50,000 from his All Day Foundation to the disaster response veteran service organization, Team Rubicon. Continue reading

PHOTO: Adrian Peterson Gets Festive In The Hospital

What did you do for New Year’s Eve?
I’ll tell you what Minnesota Vikings running back Adrian Peterson did. He spent the night in the hospital after having surgery to repair torn ligaments in his left knee from an injury he suffered during the Washington Redskins game.
But that did not prevent #28 from enjoying the evening. He Tweeted this festive pic for all his fans:
Adrian Peterson hospital New Year's Eve