Charles Barkley Goes Drag In Weight Watchers’ Campaign

Charles Barkley Weight watchers dress as woman

Charles Barkley is the new face (and body) of Weight Watchers – And I warn you, it ain’t so pretty.

Known as the Round Mound of Rebound, this Hall of Fame power forward has gone drag and donned a dress for the weight-loss company’s next commercial. The theme? “Lose like a man,” meaning that the effort to lose weight is “not just a female thing to do.”
Having gained 100 pounds due to admitted “laziness,” Barkley said, “Diet is not a man’s word because we don’t like to diet – we like to eat.” Continue reading

Charles Barkley Tells Brett Favre To Hide The Small Junk!

Brett Favre may or may not have crossed the line as we define the line by allegedly texting pics of his penis to Jenn Sterger, but Charles Barkley feels Brett crossed the line in a whole other way than we think! And, it’s hilarious.

Barkley calls what is going on with the Brett Favre “scandal” a “witch hunt.” He told Dave Letterman that “it’s kinky and freaky, but it’s not illegal!” He also told the Roundtable on WJOX in Birmingham, Alabama that he is “100 percent against sexual harassment,” but that Sterger never accused Favre of that. Continue reading