TV Anchors Laugh Hysterically at Ryan Lochte’s Answers On Live TV Interview [VIDEO]


It’s really hard to feel sorry for a champion who has won 11 Olympic medals. But, I do feel bad for Ryan Lochte who is utterly destroyed by two Philadelphia news anchors when the swimming champ gave their Fox 29 ‘Good Day Philly’ a live TV interview today promoting his new show, “What Would Ryan Lochte Do?”

The two newscasters who interviewed Lochte absolutely lose their cool afterwards and fall victim to uncontrollable laughter. You can watch the video clip at the bottom of the page.

Ryan Lochte

“There’s so much more to me than swimming,” Lochte says about what fans can expect of his new TV show. “I like to go and have fun, like to go dancing, hang out with my friends…”

One of the newscasters then asks Lochte “If you were a woman, coming up to you, what would get to you? What kind of line, could someone say, what would get your attention?”

One, two, three, four, five, six awkward silent seconds pass….

“Good question,” Lochte finally rings in.

Ryan Lochte

Those innocent answers were enough to start a case of the giggles in the two broadcasters.

Watch the hysterical interview in the video clip below. By the way, in case you are wondering why the photos on CelebMagnet show Ryan in the same plaid shirt and tie as in the video below, I shot these photos of Lochte during his interview with Extra TV at The Grove today…guess Ryan did not have time to change between his promotion tour.


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