Robert Pattinson Drills A Hole In A Bar, Cozies Up With Mystery Blonde [PHOTO]


Robert Pattinson drills holes in a bar

We don’t know why. We just know that Robert Pattinson possibly took a power tool drill with him to a bar. And then started drilling a hole.

Yep, there you pretty much have the story. The pic of Pattinson with a drill was taken In Manhattan by a fan who Tweeted it out with the caption:

“Memories from last night: #RobertPattinson using #powertools NY never ceases to #surprise @ Wooster St.”

Rob was likely in town to attend an IFC Film dinner. He was also seen with friend Tom Sturridge.

Now, about reports that Pattinson is back together with Kristen Stewart. HMMMM…Maybe. If that’s the case, then maybe Rob got a free pass for obvious reasons to be able to hang out and cozy up with this mystery blonde last night at Dream Hotel’s Electric Room in New York City : CLICK ME!


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