Robert Pattinson On Cheating: “I Can Understand The Impulse!”


Robert Pattinson has yet to respond to the news that his girlfriend Kristen Stewart admitted to cheating on him with her ‘Snow White and the Huntsman’ director, Rupert Sanders.

But in case you’re wondering how Pattinson feels about cheating in general, he made himself clear in an interview with Vanity Fair March 2011. When the mag asked him if he’d ever date a married woman, the actor responded:

“Life is not black and white. There are married couples that never see each other. Is that marriage?

But there’s a thing I’ve never got: That is, why do people cheat?’ I can understand the impulse. But not how you can keep two relationships going at the same time for long.

I’m not the casual-affair kind of guy. If I choose to be with someone, it’s because I really want it. When I have a relationship, I’m 100 percent into it.”



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