Anna Paquin Dishes on Bisexuality & Teeth

Anna Paquin sports a Dina Bar-El dress on the April/May issue cover of Zooey, taken at a photo shoot while she was already pregnant. Can you spot a baby bump there?

Paquin announced April 18 that she and husband Stephen Moyer (her True Blood costar) are expecting their first child together. Here’s what the 29-year-old actress had to say to the mag:
On being bisexual:
“I’m sure for some people saying they’re bisexual feels less scary than making a statement that they’re gay. For me, it’s not really an issue because I’m someone who believes being bisexual is actually a thing. It’s not made up. It’s not a lack of decision. It’s not being greedy or numerous other ignorant things I’ve heard at this point. For a bisexual, it’s not about gender. That’s not the deciding factor for who they’re attracted to.”On insecurities and looks in Hollywood:

“Interestingly enough, I don’t really care about my teeth, but I think any woman on this planet could say, ‘I wish my ass was smaller, my arms were thinner and I had green eyes not brown.’ I think anyone is as critical as they have the energy to self-obsess, but I also know as an actress you are more limited if you interfere with your looks. If you have a whole bunch of work done with your teeth and your face and your boobs then you’re only going to play modern people. That’s a big choice to make. Very limiting.”

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