Avatar’s Success Sent Zoe Saldana Into A Mental Breakdown


Some celebs just can’t take the heat of being famous. Take Zoe Saldana for example. After the record-breaking success of her movie Avatar, Saldana says she went through a mental breakdown and couldn’t stop sleeping the time away.

Saldana covers the September issue of Latina and inside the mag admits that “The year after Avatar was just emotionally overwhelming. I was traveling all over the world, waking up in different time zones. Your body gets exhausted, and by the end of the year I just collapsed.”

When she began training for Colombiana in France, Saldana says: “I was sitting in my hotel room, and I couldn’t stop crying. I couldn’t stay awake. I must have slept for an entire month. It took me the rest of the year, even as I was working and shooting Colombiana, to pick myself up. Thank God my family was there.”

Good news is that Saldana is feeling much better these days and is engaged to Keith Britton. What changed? “I just stay at home and do absolutely nothing,” Zoe now says. “I don’t shower if I don’t want to. I don’t answer e-mails. It’s a healthy way of being selfish.”


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