VIDEO: David Letterman Responds To Death Threat


While David Letterman spent the last two weeks off air on vacation, a jihadist marked the funny man for death.

So, how did Letterman respond? By making more jokes of course. 
“Tonight, you people are more, to me, honestly, than an audience—you’re more like a human shield,” cracked the CBS late night host.

Continuing strong, he said: “Backstage, I was talking to the guy from CBS. We were going through the CBS life insurance policy to see if I was covered for jihad.”


Letterman did acknowledge that our government is looking into the threat but that did not stop him from telling more jokes. 

“A guy, a radical extremist threatened to cut my tongue out,” Letterman said. “I wish I had a nickel for every time a guy has threatened (me with that). I think the first time was during the Academy Awards.”
And who does Letterman name as being behind the threat to cut his tongue off and end his life?

“Everybody knows it’s (Jay) Leno.”

Letterman’s jokes did not end there. His Top Ten list was titled, “Top Ten Thoughts That Went Through My Mind After Hearing about the Threat.”

10. “Someone wants to silence me? Get in line.”

9. “Nothing says summer fun like a death threat.”

8. “Why is the staff in such a good mood?”

7. “Save me, Oprah!”

6. “Should I wear my Kevlar hairpiece?”

5. “And here I thought nobody watched the show.”

4. “How can someone be so angry at a time whenKim Kardashian is so happy?”

3. “Some people get Emmy nominations; some people get death threats.”

2. “This seems like Leno’s handiwork.”

1. “Oh my God, they canceled ‘The George Lopez Show’!”

Watch Letterman’s act below:


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