RECAP: Rachel & Jeff On The Eviction Block On Big Brother 8/7


For the first time, a newbie (Kalia) is in charge of the Big Brother 13 house, but funny enough, the person she evicts will have a chance to immediately come back in the house anyway.

On the August 8, 2011 (Sunday) episode of BB, Jeff was happy that Jordan was safe but sad to see Brendon leave since he was a veteran and now the target is even bigger on Jeff.

After Brendon left the house, things continued to go badly for the veterans when Kalia won the HOH competition. Daniele, on the other hand, was heard in the Diary Room saying she’s very proud of her “protege” winning HOH and feels safe in the house for another week. She also said she’s very happy where she is right now and not regretting turning her back on her alliance. Meanwhile, Jeff and Jordan noticed that Porsche pitted Jeff and Shelly against each other in the HOH comp, forcing one of these two allies to be knocked out. Jordan said that shows that Porsche is on Daniele’s side. Porsche defended herself to Jeff by saying she just spit out two names because she was nervous. Daniele was ecstatic to see Jeff and Jordan pissed off at Porsche for helping Kalia.

Rachel is a mess when she didn’t win HOH. She put on Brendon’s UCLA hoodie and went to bed crying. Porsche consoled Rachel and Rachel thanked her for being her friend. Jordan joined the pity party and told Rachel she didn’t even want HOH this week since the evicted target would have a chance to come back anyway.

Rachel joined Kalia and Daniele in the HOH room and after some chit chat, Rachel asked Daniele to leave her and Kalia alone. Once alone, Rachel said, “Obviously Daniele and I are not best friends.” Rachel then told Kalia she’s proud of her and promised Kalia immunity next week if she does not nominate Rachel this week. Rachel said she respects Kalia as a competitor because she won(and Rachel looked genuine while saying it) and Kalia told her she had no idea who she’d nominate. Once Rachel left, Kalia said, “Humble pie does really taste good.”

Adam finally completed his elf costume duties and took the outfit off one last time in a strip tease ceremony in front of the houseguests.

Kalia said initially that she was scared to nominate Rachel and Brendon because at least one of them would stay. So she came up with plan to nominated them but tell Jeff she only nominated him to win Power of Veto. Daniele told Kalia to play without thinking about the twist (bad advice – cause whoever goes out, can come back in and immediately gun for Kalia). Daniele admitted in the Diary Room that she doesn’t mind getting blood on her hands in this game and would in fact bathe in it if needed but was happy to have Kalia do her dirty work for her this week.

Two teams competed against each other. One team consisted of Rachel, Jeff, Jordan and Shelly. The other team was Daniele, Porsche, Adam and Lawone. Jeff and Lawone went head to head and Jeff won. Shelly lost to Porsche even though Jeff gave Shelly the right guess. Daniele beat Jordan in the chug off competition, leaving Shelly, Jeff, Jordan and Rachel as have nots. Jordan cried because she felt bad about helping her team become have nots. She also was frustrated by the fact that people like Lawon and Porsche float by and benefit from the others’ hard work whereas the hard workers end up with targets on them. Lucky for the have nots, America voted for the have nots to get catfish and coconuts in addition to slop this week and everyone but Jordan was happy about this choice.

Kalia wanted to know who Shelly is playing with. She told Shelly that she would “adore” to play this game with her. Shelly offered Kalia and Daniele safety for at least one week if they keep her off the block this week. Shelly then offered final three to them and Kalia accepted. Shelly meanwhile said in the Diary Room that her real intention is to go to final three with Jeff and Jordan.

Kalia told Jeff and Jordan that her target is Rachel but wanted Jeff on the eviction block as well because she wants him to play for the veto. Jeff said if Rachel wins POV then he is going home and Kalia did not agree. Jordan tried to warn Kalia about the possibility of the evictee coming back and if Kalia puts Rachel and Jeff  up, they would both come after Kalia and she would be wiser putting up “dead weight” instead. Jordan left angry, and Jeff stayed to try to keep himself off of the block and said “know that you will be my number one target if I get put on the block. And if I get voted off, I will come back and you will be my number one target.” Jeff said floaters were his target until now but if she nominated him, she would become his target. He promised Kalia that he will win the POV and take himself off. He told her this is where Kalia’s game went wrong. His strategy to bully Kalia worked briefly as she looked rattled in the Diary Room but in the end, Kalia stood her ground and ….

Kalia was not bullied by Jeff and nominated Rachel and Jeff for eviction and said the last week was hell and filled with cattyness. She also said she’s making her own decisions and not Daniele’s as Jeff accused her. Before and after the ceremony, Rachel tried her best to irritate Daniele–heating things up big time in the BB house.

If you want to know who won the POV, keep reading – the following have not yet aired on CBS, so, be warned of spoilers!
As promised, Jeff won the POV. Obviously, he will take himself off of the block but is trying at this very moment to convince Kalia to put up Porsche as a replacement nominee. Shelly is in on the plan as well, feeding Kalia all kinds of reasons as to why Kalia should put up Porsche against Rachel.

CLICK HERE TO SEE WHO KALIA PUT ON THE BLOCK AS A REPLACEMENT NOMINEE! Or join our Facebook and Twitter pages for regular updated Big Brother scoop and spoilers!


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