Big Brother Recap: Jeff Becomes First Man To Win HOH


We started Big Brother 13 August 21, 2011 episode with Brendon having just been evicted for the second time. This time, however, Rachel felt re-energized with Brendon being back for a week and she was ready to fight. Daniele was ecstatic to have evicted Brendon for a second time this season. When Brendon walked through the BB doors and into the live audience, Rachel made sure Daniele realized how much America likes Brendon by saying, “Just as many cheers as last time [he was evicted and walked out to live audience.]”

We then headed right into the HOH competition, All Washed Up. The contestants were combating walls of soap and suds while they walked back and forth carrying a small cup of water to fill a large jug. Daniele, as outgoing HOH, could not participate but was rooting for Kalia or Porsche to win but ended up irritating Kalia when she kept telling her how slow she is compared to every one else. Jordan had to play in her humilitard.

The suds got into everyone’s eyes and made them unable to see as they slid all over the place. Adam even took a bad fall on his buttocks. He also hurt his nipples somehow and had to wear band aids once the game was over (I know this from Showtime After Dark episodes). Jeff lead most of the game with Porsche and Rachel close behind. Once Rachel realized Jeff is beating her, she admittedly started rooting him on so she stays on his good side. When it was all over, Jeff became the first man in the house to win HOH this season.

Right after the competition, Daniele started being nice to Jeff. Jeff said in the Diary Room that despite his deal with Daniele, he will evict whoever is in his best interest. Daniele hoped that Jeff and Jordan would honor their deal. Shelly, Daniele, Kalia and Porsche continued their Rachel hatred to the point that Ms. Business executive Shelly has hidden Rachel’s stuffed dog and contemplating cutting it into pieces to taunt Rachel. Who does that? Seriously Shelly, you’re the oldest in the house, right? And a mother?

After everyone checked out Jeff’s HOH room, Rachel was the last and stayed behind talking to Jeff which fueled Shelly’s fire because she wants Jeff and Jordan all to herself. Shelly went back up to confront Rachel and told her to stop rolling her eyes at her. She told Rachel to stop cutting her down and giving her looks of death. Rachel just stared at her and kept her cool. Jeff told them they’re both in his alliance and agreed that the two of them need to start with a clean a slate and stick together. In the Diary Room, Jeff said he was so impressed that Rachel bit her tongue and he was proud of her. That act alone probably will keep Jeff loyal to Rachel.

There was no competition this week, instead, Jeff got the chance to chose three have nots for the week. He said Porsche and Daniele have never been been nots, so, he picked them and their “best friend” Kalia. But lucky for them, America also picked hard boiled eggs and Jalapenos as extra food the could have in addition to slop. Daniele was upset because she was going to be a have not on her birthday.

Jeff told Kalia she is definitely in the pot of his finalist for nominations. So, with that, Kalia threw Rachel under the bus and told Jeff to be careful of her and that she has gunned for Jeff and Jordan for three weeks. This backstabbing instead of pleading her own case actually backfired because it made Jeff question her. He said that he told her he would nominate her when she put him on the block.

Jeff told Daniele that she is good with him and asked her to not use the Veto if she wins it. When Dani figured that Jeff would put up Porsche and Kalia, Dani asked him who he would put up if one them wins Veto and Jeff said he doesn’t know.

Jeff later told Jordan that he told Dani she is good and that she feels safe. Jeff said he can’t trust Dani and will try to get her out with a back door. He won’t put her up right off the bat because he doesn’t want to upset her.

Porsche tried to sell herself to Jeff by saying that she has come in second place on three competitions and would like to win a comp before going home. She said if he doesn’t put her up she won’t put him up. Jeff shot back: “Is this our first minute of game talk?” He later laughed at her that she waited till day 49 to start talking game. He told her his decision is a game time decision.

Jeff nominated Kalia and Porsche for eviction. His order of keys were: Rachel, Shelly, Adam, Jordan and Daniele. He told Porsche he wants her to prove she came here to play and to win and to take herself off of the block. He told Kalia he had warned her quid pro quo if she nominated him.



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