Transformers Still Rule The Box Office…Who Came in Second?


For a second week in a row, Transformers: Dark of the Moon ruled the box office bringing in another estimated $47.0 million. Despite a 52% drop in earnings from last week, the movie has raked in a total of $261.0 million in just 13 days since its release.

Jennifer Aniston
and Kevin Spacey‘s Horrible Bosses brought in an estimated $28.1 million in its opening weekend followed by new comer Zookeeper (Kevin James) with an estimated $21.0 million.

Here are the top 10 movies for the weekend of July 8-10, 2011:
1. Transformers: Dark of the Moon, $47.0 million, $261.0 million total to date
2. Horrible Bosses, $28.1 million, new release
3. Zookeeper, $21.0 million, new release
4. Cars 2, $15.2 million, $148.8 million
5. Bad Teacher, $9.0 million, $78.8 million
6. Larry Crowne, $6.3 million, $26.5 million
7. Super 8, $4.8 million, $118.1 million
8. Monte Carlo, $3.8 million, $16.1 million
9. Green Lantern, $3.1 million, $109.7 million
10. Mr. Popper’s Penguins, $2.9 million, $57.7 million


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