Video: Chris Harrison Dishes On Bentley’s Return To The Bachelorette


We all watched last week’s cringe-inducing episode of The Bachelorette in horror and disgust as bad boy Bentley Williams crushed Ashley Hebert’s heart and dreams of finding her one true reality television love to pieces while belittling her behind her back.

If you watched The Bachelorette tonight, you saw the preview of a mystery man coming to see Ashley in Thailand. That mystery man is no one other than Bentley Williams himself coming back on the show so Ashley could have some closure.

Rumors have it that Ashley begged the producers to bring Bentley back. More rumors will have you believe that Bentley accepted to come back just so he could get a free trip to Thailand. We don’t know if any of that is true… yet. The only thing we know for certain at this point, is that Bentley does in fact return.

How do we know for a fact? Well, watch host Chris Harrison‘s interview with Extra’s Adrianna Costa talking about Bentley’s return:


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