Shania Twain: “Betrayal Is The Most Valuable Lesson Life Can Teach”


Shania Twain chatted it up in the upcoming issue of REDBOOK about her new autobiography, finding her voice again, and then finding love after losing her husband to her best friend.

Here are some excerpts from the interview:
On betrayal by her best friend and husband:
“Being betrayed is one of the most valuable lessons life can teach. Now that you are wise to the game, you have the tools to choose your friends more carefully and protect your inner circle from these predators. Wear your scars like a badge. Someone hurt you, you lived through it, and now you can talk about it without rage and revenge in your heart.”

On regaining her voice:

“When my marriage broke down, I got so physically constricted that I couldn’t get any volume out at all…I realized I couldn’t live without singing and had to do something about it. This is why I was like, ‘Just get it all out right now. Clean the pipes.’”

On her new husband – the ex-husband of the woman who stole Shania’s husband:
“I got to observe Fred going through the same thing I was, and I admired how he handled it. That is where I fell in love with him, because he was so exemplary in every way…He’s attentive, brighter than God should ever allow any one man to be, funny, romantic, and cute as heck. Most of all, he shows what he feels, and that’s a quality that could come in any shape or size and be admired—it just so happens that Fred has a very gorgeous shape. He’s too good to be true, only he’s real! Good for me, is all I can say, and I’m loving every minute of it.”

To read more of Shania’s interview in REDBOOK, go to

Photo credit: Ruven Afanador


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