Brad Womack Says The Secrecy Is “Brutal”


Bachelor Brad Womack opened up in People and says keeping the ending of the show and who he ends up with a secret has been extremely difficult on him.

“Every Monday night since January 3 has not been a good night at my house,” he told People. “We will see how [my fiancee] handles it.”

“I was particularly scared of the overnight, exotic date episode.” Oh ya? I bet you were Brad, since you spent the night with each of the three women a week before you proposed to one. Man, this show is brutal! 

Brad agrees. “It’s brutal. You go on [the show], you find someone, you choose each other and then you hit pause. You can’t just start the daily life stuff.”

I can’t feel too bad for him, because he seems to have found the love of his life. Brad says: “Do I think this woman is the one? Damn right I do. I probably shouldn’t say this but my heart was in a specific place pretty early on.”
And just to make it clear, he says: “I’m in love. There’s strength there and a real relationship. We have our ups and downs but we’re fighting through and making it work.”
Ups and downs? Fighting? Sounds like the relationship he has on the show with Chantal to me. Could it be her? We will find out March 14th!

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