Book Dishes Out All New Juicy Details On Margaret Mitchell’s “Gone With The Wind”


All you die-hard fans of Gone With the Wind out there, YOU know who YOU are!  There’s a new book out this month which  offers a fun behind-the-scenes look at this Hollywood classic and I know you will love reading every page of it!

Margaret Mitchell’s Gone With the Wind: A Bestseller’s Odyssey from Atlanta to Hollywood covers everything from how Scarlett got her name – did you know that she was originally called Pansy? – to what happened to the millions and millions of dollars the movie has earned in the seven decades since its release.

Although CelebMagnet tends to focus on living celebrities, Margaret Mitchell’s Gone With the Wind earns this honorable mention because it dishes so much interesting scoop on Hollywood icons of yesteryear like Katharine Hepburn, Vivien Leigh, Clark Gable, and Hattie McDaniel.

And, in keeping with the spirit of CelebMagnet, the authors sort through many of the rumors that have circulated about GWTW over the years, debunking many of them. I love a good debunked myth, I do.
Also explored is GWTW’s famous open ending and what author Margaret Mitchell thought happened to Scarlett and Rhett after he said he didn’t give a damn. I mean, seriously, did he really not give a damn?
If you’ve ever wondered whether Scarlett won him back, you now know where to find the answer.
Oh, and, one of the authors of the book is a good friend of mine, Ellen Firsching Brown. She’s a really really really cool writer. You will love reading every single page of this book. I know am 🙂

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