Victoria Beckham Removes Implants & Says Hubby Can Look Like “Crap!”


Amazing how quickly things change! Less than three months ago, Victoria Beckham announced in Marie Claire that hubby David Beckham is “so goddamn perfect that people have to find something wrong with him.”

Back then, she explained, “We were about to go out somewhere the other day, and he was sending an email. He was sitting at the end of the bed, and he had no clothes on whatsoever. I was getting out of the shower, and I just stood there looking at him. He was all tan. Has all those tattoos- which I love.”

Guess Victoria was able to find something wrong with her hubby upon closer inspection. Fast forward to now and she tells the UK version of Vogue magazine, “The other morning I looked across at David just after he’d woken up and thought you look really crap. THANK GOD, because this is a man who always looked so perfect!”  Say what?!? How you you gonna go and do a 180 on your man in print?
In the same interview, Victoria admitted she has given up on the hope of having a daughter and reveals she has had her breast implants removed. Read the full interview in the February issue of Vogue UK, for sale on newsstands now.

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