Teri Hatcher Posts Makeup-Free Pictures Of Herself On Facebook


Oh Teri Hatcher, what are you doing?

In an effort “to teach that all those glam versus trash pictures of celebs are about LIGHTING… not makeup …suregery [sic] or botox” Teri posted on Facebook several pictures of herself straight out of her shower to prove her point.

Caption: Out of the bath getting ready for bed. Thought about all those damn critics of my face. Love it or hate it, my face that is, no surgery, no implants, no matter what “they” say. Decided I’d shoot myself in to reveal some truths about “beauty” and hope it makes you all easier on yourself.

Caption: Did I every [sic] toy with fillers or Botox over the years? yes. Tell me does this look Botoxed to you? Yes I am alone in my bathroom naked in a towel on behalf of women everywhere trying to make a point. Women YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL.

Caption: Oh look I can raise my eyebrows and wrinkles show up on my forehead.
Caption: I can look both ways too.So I guess I”m safe to cross the street then.
Caption: I can be mad, or confused or sad and tired. Julia Roberts had that same vein in her forehead in Eat Pray Love. Proud of Julia for being a real woman on a real journey.
Caption: I can really rough you up. I can also look like a monkey if I put grapes in my upper lip. It’s really funny. I have to say I cant remember ever being upset enough to look like this, but I’m just making or shall I say “under LINING” a point.
Caption: 45 year old me. Just me wanting to teach that all those glam versus trash pictures of celebs are about LIGHTING. It’s not makeup it’s not suregery [sic] or botox its LIGHT.

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3 thoughts on “Teri Hatcher Posts Makeup-Free Pictures Of Herself On Facebook

  1. Good for Terry for taking such a bold initiative in her line of work. The photos drive the point home and I, for one, appreciate her more than candid shots. I think taking the pictures just after a shower just stresses the point. There are no smoke and mirrors to cover the “naked” truth, if you will.

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