What is Azamat of Borat (Ken Davitian) Up To Lately?



  You have seen him in Get Smart and Soul Men. You’ve also seen him in countless TV shows including SNL, Ghost Whisperer and ER. But you know him best from his comedic breakthrough role on Borat as the ever lovable and completely too-naked sidekick, Azamat. Yes, he is the one and only Ken Davitian. I met Ken at the opening night of Chicago, the musical, playing at Pantages Theater, in Hollywood. I walked up to Ken during intermission and said, “Mr. Davitian.” He turned around and sweetly asked, “You know my name?” Of course Ken, of course. After all, I know everyone I have seen naked by name, first name at that. Ken agreed to take a picture with me but we were at once interrupted by a lovely theater usher who informed us that no pictures were allowed inside the actual auditorium. So, Ken kindly offered to walk all the way from the very front of the auditorium where we were to the outside so I could have my picture. Along the walk which took quite a while as Ken had just had knee surgery, he told me all about his upcoming movies A Fighting Chance and Melvin Smarty, both currently in post-productionWe took our picture and I walked Ken back to his seat in time for the second act so he could rejoin his wife and son. Ken–you win my Fave Celeb of the Month award!


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