Big Brother’s Evel Dick Donato Has Emergency Gallbladder Surgery


Big Brother 13 fans still wonder why Evel Dick Donato left the BB house so abruptly, even though Dick released a statement a while back that he had to leave the show for an emergency involving someone very dear to him.

But Dick has since been missing from his online show on for a while as well and we now know why. As it turns out, Dick had to have an emergency gallbladder surgery and he Twitted about it. Here is what the Tweet had to say:

Well, it’s been a fun 48 hours. Emergency surgery to remove my gallbladder has left me spinnin’. No Dick at Nite for a few days, sorry
Can you imagine if he were still in the BB house when this emergency took place? Sometimes a curse is a blessing as Julie Chen would say…Looks like Evel Dick’s early departure from the BB house would have happend anyway due to this emergency. At least as things turned out, he was able to get the care he needed when needed.

Get well soon Dick!


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