Big Brother Eviction 7/14 Recap


Big Brother aired Thursday July 14. Below is a show recap:

The oldies realized with Evel Dick out of the game, they were one more man down and needed to up their social game.

Brendon and Rachel played the big bootie game with the newbies. And Jeff said he will have to “whore” himself out and play nice as well. Rachel brought out “Vegas Rachel” to have fun with the houseguests. But Dominic was on to their strategy.

We find out “Boookieee” is Brendon and Rachel’s pet name for each other and Brendon is not happy about others knowing about it. He also did not want Rachel to play party girl because she is almost his wife. Brendon tells Rachel in private that he loves her with all his heart but feels that being called Bookie in front of everyone makes their relationship look like a joke. He slept on the couch as the two seemed a bit drifted.

The next day, Brendon tells Rachel he is trying to be a medical professional and feels emasculated by Rachel’s antics in front of people. They kissed and made up.

Jeff thinks Adam is a huge BB fan. So, in order to woo him more to the oldies’ side, he comes up with the idea of letting Adam pick the name for the oldies’ alliance. Brilliant Jeff! Adam came up with “Adam’s Angels.” I doubt that name will stick for two reasons: The name sucks. And Adam did not vote with the oldies in the eviction. Read more!

Evel Dick sent a video message to the BB houseguests. He said he would never have left if it were not a personal emergency. He also apologized to his daughter Daniele for not being able to spend the summer with her, especially since the two seem to get along best inside that house per him. He told the rest of the house to play well and challenged them to fight hard.  Daniele was asked to give her dad a message and all she said is, “hanging in there!”

Julie Chen asked Daniele, “No I love you?” to which Daniele responded, “That is so awkward. Of course I love my father, he is my biological father.” Fast forward to voting who to evict, Daniel rushed this out before she voted to evict Keith: “I just want to say I do love my father and I have done nothing but worry about him every day since he left.” Nice save Daniele.

Here is a full summary of Dick’s message as to why he left the BB house.

Both Porsche and Keith thought they were safe before the vote. In her plea for safety, Porsche kissed some major oldie ass. Here is who each houseguest voted to evict:

KEITH = Brendon, Jordan, Jeff, Daniele, Kalia, Shelly (Kalia and Shelly crossed lines)
PORSCHE = Dominic, Cassi, Lawon, Adam (The Regulators stuck together and Adam did not vote with Oldies)
Julie Chen announces that Keith is evicted by a vote of 6-4 and that Porsche gets a Golden Key. Keith took the shocking eviction rather well.

Keith said he is very shocked that he is evicted and that people went back on their word. He said he wished he played the game a bit different. Julie interjected that he is one of the few people in BB history to be on the block and throw the veto competition. He was at a loss for words except to admit that he got played. 
Keith said he is an emotional guy and did not want to fall for the hot Porsche, so, he played with his head. HUH? Then why did he pick her as a team mate? In their goodbye interviews, Cassi told him he came here to play the dating game. Lawon said Keith was a ticking time bomb which exploded. Rachel said he underestimated the power of hurricane Brachel. She then showed him a t shirt she was wearing which read, “You can look, but you can’t touch.”
The houseguests play the Big Brother Open – a miniature golf game. The player who is closest to hole #1 would win the game. Rachel as existing HOH picked the order of the players and she picked Dominic to go first and he got a 6. Adam got an 8 and was eliminated. Cassi’s ball went in the water and she was eliminated. Shelly’s ball also went in the water and she got eliminated. Lawon did the same and was eliminated. Kalia got a 6 and tied with Dominic. Jordan got a 3 and eliminated Dominic and Kalia. Jeff threw the competition and got eliminated. Brendon also threw the competition, leaving Jordan as the HOH! Jordan later thanks Jeff and Brendon in front of everyone for letting her win like Jeff did last season.
Shelly was asked how hard is it to be away from her daughter and she said she sleeps with her daughter’s “puppy.”
Adam was asked who his favorite 90210 (the original series) is and he went into a frenzy and started yelling, “Donna Martin graduates, Donna Martin graduates. DONNA MARTIN GRADUATEEEEEES.” Someone remind me, how old is this guy?

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